In the spring of 2009 Air Clear installed a Two chamber RTO emission control system, for the Oil & Gas Industry, to control 12,000 SCFM from numerous sources. Made with 304 SS.
Client: Husky Oil Limited (HOL)
Location: Lloydminster, Alberta Canada
Background: HOL has the challenge of placing emission controls on emissions from its rail, truck and tank vents related to its asphalt production in its Lloydminster Alberta plant.
Problem: It was determined that placing a dedicated control device on each source would be costly and required excessive monitoring and maintenance. Integrating several sources onto one control device seemed risky as all production was dependent on the reliable operation of the control device.
Waste Description: The high concentration of H2S and potential for very low ambient temperatures created corrosion concerns as well as excessive condensation of the asphalt is subzero temperatures.
Air Clear Engineers performed an onsite investigation and determined it was feasible to locate one control device to capture and control all five emission sources. A duct pressure / volume control scheme was used to vary the flow to the control device. All controls would be integrated into HOL’s DCS system to simplify operation and to monitor performance.
Control Equipment
Air Clear considered many APC options and settled on a two-component emission control system. The first section is a fiber bed coalescing filter which collects condensed particulate. The second is a two chamber Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) with a 95% Thermal energy Recovery. A high temperature bypass is to accommodate for the rapid and constant change in VOC’s. A bake out system is used to periodically clean the ceramic heat recovery beds.
Rail Car, Truck Loading & Tank Vent Emission Control System