Air Clear specializes in Industrial Asphalt Emissions Control. We have over 30 years of experience in controlling asphalt production emissions from Asphalt Processing Plants, such as Saturators; Coaters; Tank Vents; Loading Stations. We have Air Pollution Control Systems in operation on many of the major Asphalt Roofing manufacturers’ production lines. Asphalt process exhaust contains a variety of particle sizes ranging from submicron and larger, and the objective is to control the opacity and associated odor resulting from the particulate emissions.
In some cases an Indexing Pre-Filter using a durable poly pre-filter material is offered to remove stone dust particulate from the exhaust to protect the main filters and extend their life. As the filter media gets dirty, the pressure drop increases. At a fixed point the drive motor indexes pulling off the dirty media and replacing it with clean media.
In cases where Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) control is not required, Air Clear recommends the use of an Air Clear Coalescing Fiber Bed Filter Mist Collector System to control opacity. Air Clear systems use fiber bed diffusion filters to collect the sub-micron particulate that is the cause of opacity. Fiber bed filters are designed to collect both solid and liquid particulate, and have been used successfully for many years to control asphalt production emissions effectively and economically..
In cases where VOC control is required, Air Clear recommends the use of a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) utilizing a variety of “Pre-Filtering” Technologies to remove contaminants upstream of the RTO. The plugging problem is exasperated due to the numerous types of contaminants plugging the RTO. The right pre-filter has resulted in the adaptation of several filtration technologies which have been a part of Air Clear’s product line for years.